Josh Pelkey

Mount Pleasant, South Carolina · telegram ·

I am a husband and father of three, and I love to learn! I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina and attended Clemson University and Georgia Tech, studying computer engineering. I currently work as a product manager at Omnissa, simplifying the digital workspace experience for both IT teams and employees.


Director, Product Management


Now leading a team of product managers at Omnissa -- enabling smart, seamless, and secure work experiences for any employee, on any device. We launched Omnissa Connect, an innovative experience unifying disparate cloud services across the Omnissa Platform. We continuously build on Omnissa Connect, focused on driving faster activation and deeper engagement, accelerating value realization and return on investment for our customers.

July 2024 - Present

Director, Product Management


Led a team of product managers within VMware's End User Computing business, committed to improving our customers' IT operations through Workspace ONE. Our team was dedicated to driving customer adoption and satisfaction by building a world-class admin experience in alignment with VMware’s broader cloud strategy.

August 2018 - July 2024

Group Product Line Manager

VMware AirWatch

Led a team of product managers within VMware's End User Computing (EUC) business. Worked across EUC teams to ensure alignment of our admin experience across products.

January 2017 - August 2018

Senior Product Manager

AirWatch by VMware

Product owner over the AirWatch Admin Console, helping our customer's IT admins transform their business through enterprise mobility. Worked closely with our customers and internally with UX/dev to streamline our admin experience.

April 2016 - January 2017

Product Manager


Owned several modules within AirWatch's largest product, the AirWatch Admin Console. Managed a significant UI/UX overhaul from a legacy UI framework, including a revamped information architecture and streamlined admin workflows.

May 2012 - April 2016

Technical Consultant


Supported our large enterprise mobility customers – managing hundreds of thousands of mobile devices. Served as lead consultant for several of AirWatch’s early ‘Top 10’ customers.

June 2011 - May 2012


Georgia Institute of Technology

Master of Science
Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Graduate research assistant under Dr. George Riley. My research interests included the areas of computer networks and wireless communication.
  • Represented the ns-3 project as a mentor at Google Summer of Code 2010.
August 2008 - May 2010

Clemson University

Bachelor of Science
  • Samuel B. Earle Award; Given to the most outstanding senior in the College of Engineering and Science at Clemson University.
  • W.M. Riggs Award; Given to the most outstanding senior in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University.
August 2003 - May 2008

Patents, Publications, Certifications





I like to do things:

  • music (listening, creating, recording)
  • games (video, card, board)
  • beer (craft, homebrewing)
  • open-source software (using, promoting, contributing)
  • reading, fishing, golfing, and all kinds of other stuff too


  • joshpelkey.eth:
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